I'm an ACE certified health coach and personal trainer with a passion for helping women feel …
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Why Do You Need a Wellness Coach?
Imagine having someone on your team that’s been through it. Someone who's honest but in an …

Work with me
Email me below to work one-on-one as you take control of your life and find your healthy. I'm …
I knew I had to find time for my own health in order to pass on the habits to my kids - Amanda, busy mom of 3

Meet Caroline

Meet Caroline
I'm an ACE certified health coach and personal trainer with a passion for helping women feel strong. I have three kids, all with their own personality and more energy than I can usually keep up with. …
I was so focused on finding a quick fix and stuck on trying every diet. It took Caroline slowing me down to focus on basic habits and realizing how important it is to focus on my stress and sleep, in addition to food and exericse - Sarah, mom of 4

Ramblings from an overtired mom
My Sticky Floor
My nine year informed me that she stepped on a sticky spot on my kitchen floor this morning. I get it, no one wants to step on day old popsicle juice spilled on the floor by their younger brothers. Gross. As expected, mom (me) gets blamed for the sticky floor. While she informed me about […]

We’re all in Progress
We’re all in progress at different stages, finding our balance, in a world trying to knock us off kilter. We’re surrounded with social media more than ever that’s filled with contradicting health advice. If you. haven’t realized by now, there’s not one size fits all answer to your health. Watching a video of someone else’s […]

Write as if no one is reading
I’ve always loved writing. Before blogging was a thing, I had already started multiple blogs and shared about all the things. I’ve never had a journal, I’ve always publicly shared my private thoughts on the internet. In the last 5 years I’ve felt myself hesitant to press publish. I’ve overthought who will be reading my […]

The Least Stressful Option
Find out what our go-to decision factor is when making family decisions.

Thoughts On Mayonnaise
I personally don’t use mayonnaise. I don’t care if you’ve put mayonnaise on food in the past. It doesn’t bother me if you hate mayonnaise. I think it’s about the choice to decide if mayonnaise is right for you. I don’t know your situation, you might need mayonnaise, I understand mayonnaise isn’t an easy choice […]

Finding Everyday Joy
Cup of coffee.Work.Kids School/HomeworkSports.Glass of wine.Netflix.Sleep. Most of us run on autopilot and survive on routines. Routines that we need to get out the door and get through the day. Those same routines can be suffocating and cause us to lose sight of the joy in our everyday. While some might thrive with routines, if […]