My nine year informed me that she stepped on a sticky spot on my kitchen floor this morning. I get it, no one wants to step on day old popsicle juice spilled on the floor by their younger brothers. Gross.
As expected, mom (me) gets blamed for the sticky floor.
While she informed me about our sticky floor I had to stop her and remind her of all the things I did the previous day.
Short list:
– Made breakfast and prepared lunches
– Got kids to school (which is a feat in itself)
– Worked a full day
– Laundry
– Exercised
– Took kids to three hours of soccer practices
– Read my library book that’s due in a day
– Made dinner and got kids into bed
That list is missing 100 more things that I did between all of the highlights. Before you tell me about the exciting life I live, don’t worry I’m well aware of the adventurous schedule!
Back to my nine year old and my sticky floor.
I told her I’m choosing to focus on all of the things I completed yesterday vs. the one or two things I didn’t get to.
I explained to her the importance of prioritization and not beating myself up over the sticky floor.
I reminded her that I’m teaching her brothers to clean up after themselves and while I do a lot of cleaning around the house, this is a great opportunity to get the boys involved and have them clean it up.
I asked her if she wanted to skip the playdate or soccer practice yesterday, or buy lunch at school instead of me making it, so I could have mopped the floor.
I insisted that its OK that floors are sticky sometimes because we are out doing life and that’s more important than worrying about a sticky spot on my floor.
It was a small moment of our day, no more than 15 minutes and I’m sure she got way more than she expected by pointing out my sticky floor.
I hope next time when she realizes she can’t do it all and she’s picking between sticky floors or being with people that make her laugh or participating in an activity she loves, she forgets about the sticky parts and just enjoys.
Same sentiment of don’t cry over spilled milk with a twist.
Don’t let a sticky floor ruin your day.
**For everyone who is sitting on the edge of their seat to know the ending, rest assured the floors were mopped yesterday!
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