You might think that the mom bloggers are the ones who have it all together. They are the ones doing the creative arts and crafts with their kids and still have time to write about it at the end of the day. They create how to’s and tutorials of cute DIY activities or decor that I could never imagine completing on my own. Some of the mom blogs I read are like this, and they motivate me by saying if they can do it, so can I.
Other mom blogs make me laugh. They recount the stories about massive public blow outs where the poop flies across the store, or say what you know all of us moms are thinking about the not-so-glorious moments of parenting. These blogs remind me to laugh at those moments when you don’t think you can take it anymore.
Some mom blogs simply recount life. What they did that day or the different foods they ate. They take photos of themselves playing on the playground, or going for a walk. They don’t necessarily write about anything in great detail, but they share their life and thoughts and emotions in an honest, unapologetic way. These blogs encourage me to be myself. Do what I do best, and that is love on my baby girl with all my might.
So why did I start a mom blog?
I’ve written on Traveling 9 to 5 for the past four years. I’ve shared my passion for traveling, along with the adventurous and not-so-adventurous stories that we’ve had together. I’m still traveling and writing over there so come visit me—but this blog is different.
I started this mom blog to connect with other moms. When I had Lottie Rose last year it changed me. She made me forever a mom and I am so proud of that. There will be more babies (god willing) and there will be hundreds of thousands of more mom moments, thoughts, successes and failures–ones that I want to share with this community.
Some days this blog is my platform to vent. Being a mom is tough and although I wouldn’t have it any other way, some days one little thing sets you off. One judgmental mom, one too many dirty diapers or the last tantrum of the day was the cherry on top and you gotta let it out.
Other days it’s my therapy. You would be surprised how therapeutic writing is. I’m an oversharer. I write to work out whatever it is I am dealing with internally and let anyone else juggling the same thoughts or situations know it’s OK, you aren’t the only one.
I write to inspire other moms to take more photos of their babies because they grow up way too quickly.
But most days when I write, I tell stories and share photos because I never want to forget. This is my super public diary where I document the roller coaster of emotions that I go through everyday as a mom. I started this mom blog because I love being a mom. I don’t always make the right decisions and almost always require a large amount of coffee to start the day, but it’s here on this blog where I come as I am. The undone piles of laundry, dirty dishes in the sink and no make up me.
Have you ever wanted to start a mom blog, but don’t know how?
I want to help! Over the next few weeks I will be releasing some guides and tutorials on how you can start your own mom blog.
Enter your email below and I will personally notify you when I release my How To Start a Mom Blog Course that will walk you through step-by-step how to set up your website, optimize it, connect in the community and start creating content.
love this! So thankful for what you’re sharing!
Love this! And I love being able to look back at all the precious moments with Colton on my blog! 🙂