My energy came back a bit this week, or maybe my hormones decided to give me a break – but I was definitely happier this week than past. Other than the normal pee breaks all night, Baby E actually let me sleep this week which was nice for a change to week up feeling even slightly refreshed!
It was Indy 500 weekend all weekend and Josh’s business partners were in town so we spent Saturday at brunch and dinner with friends enjoying delicious food and great company. It was a long Saturday, after all the eating we went to a comedy show downtown that went way past my bedtime 🙂 Sunday was the big race and the last thing this 9 month preggo wanted to do was sit in bleachers, in the hot sun around listen to loud cars whizz by me – so josh went to the race with a group of friends and I relaxed! I haven’t had a pure relaxation day in awhile so it was heavenly! Hopefully Ill get a few more days like that before baby!
I finally got a breastpump. It’s nice that insurance covers these now, ours covered anything up to $500 which is a nice chunk of change. I know I won’t need it right away, but it’s nice knowing that I won’t have to worry about getting one post baby – it’s already in the apartment and ready to go.
I scheduled my pre baby mani/pedi this weekend – which was another relaxing – pamper mama as much as possible event I planned. I love pedicures, and don’t get me wrong it felt amazing for the 45 minutes they were rubbing and painting my toes, but my poor swollen ankles I don’t recognize anymore. They are obviously not meant to carry an extra 35 lbs on them and I will be glad when I can see my ankle bones again!
So now that I have finished my 38th week and started my 39th week I have started operation Meet Baby E, which means let’s do whatever possible to get this baby into this world 🙂 I know that they are old wives tales… but what’s the downfall in trying?
You ask what I’m doing to prepare this body for labor and meet Baby E sooner than later?
- Walking/Running 3.5 miles a day – I’m listening to my body and moving as much as possible
- Having Sex (I figure we won’t be having it for the next 6 weeks post baby so we might as well enjoy now!)
- Eating Spicy food – I already eat REALLY spicy food, so i don’t think this one will do much to move this baby along.
- Eating pineapple – So I may or may not have eaten half a pineapple on Sunday… and I may finish the other half soon.
- Bouncing/rolling on an exercise ball – I’ve switched out an exercise ball at my desk for my chair for half the day. I am just doing some basic circles with my hips to help open them up and get baby to drop.
Do I think any of this stuff is working? Not really to be honest… but at least I can say I did everything possible to meet this baby!
Our 38 week appointment was great – I finally met with the last doctor of the practice and I am happy to say he is great. All 4 doctors in the group are amazing and I’m lucky that I feel so comfortable with all of them. The heartbeat was 134 and head is still down ready to come out. He guessed the baby would be around 8 lbs at birth, but didn’t do any internal checks to see if I was dialated/effaced at all. He made a good point since I’m not having contractions, and I want to go natural that less intervention is better. If it was my 4th kid it would be a different story, he would want to know how far along I am since the next babies come quicker, but since this is my first he wanted to wait.
I was fine with this decision because I know people who have gone 0 – 10 cm in a few hours and people who have been dialated at 4 cm for 3 weeks, so really this baby is going to come when this baby is ready, and I know I have no control over that!
Size of Baby E: Somewhere around 20 inches and 7 lbs
Best moment of the week: My pre baby mani/pedi! Hopefully I won’t have to touch it up because baby waits another 3 weeks to come!
Obsessions/Cravings? Nothing this week – just obsessed with getting this baby born!
What I’m most looking forward to this week: Heading into the single digit count
What I miss the most: Bending over is still high on that list. Putting pants on, tying my shoes, shaving my legs anything that requires balance and bending is tough.
Workouts: Still alternating running and walking. I’ve been putting the treadmill on an incline recently. Yes, I said treadmill. Unless I get up super early in the AM to run/walk the heat is too much. Even at 7 pm it is still 85 degrees and this pregnant lady becomes a hot sweaty mess. So I’ve been sticking to my afternoon workouts inside with air con.
Movement: Still moving. Movements are more shifty movements with sporadic hands and legs sticking into my sides. I can tell there isn’t much room in there. I keep telling Baby E how much space there is if they want to come out and play they can move freely all they want.
Symptoms: I’m paying attention to every little symptom, now that Baby could come any day now. If I have diarrhea (TMI? – I don’t think so), or low back pain I instantly wonder is this my body getting ready. And as always the answer is no! I think I’ve just made it too comfortable in there and baby doesn’t want to come out!
wifeandmotherinoneday says
Hoping Baby E comes sooner than later!!!