These last two weeks have been a whirlwind we had our Anatomy ultrasound and a few days later left on our Babymoon for a two week vacation in the Caribbean and Bahamas. I am finally ‘bumpy’. My baby bump has decided to pop out and say hello in the past two weeks. During vacation I had 3 – 4 people ask about my baby on board, which means I am hopefully moving past that fat or pregnant stage and actually look pregnant 🙂
The big announcement most couples have around this time is the Baby’s GENDER!
well… It was left a surprise!
Our doctor doesn’t even know if Baby E is a girl or a boy, only the technician that did our ultrasound. It was fantastic to see Baby E flipping every which way and hear the beautiful sound of their heart beating. I am still so amazed that we are 23 weeks into our first pregnancy and how blessed we have been so far!
Here is what we do know after our appointment:
- Heartbeat was 144
- Estimated around 13 oz
- Gender = UNKNOWN 🙂
- Cutest button nose I have ever seen !!
Josh spent a few nights this week playing guitar for Baby E and he/she started dancing to the music in my belly which made both of us smile 🙂 That will definitely be happening more often!
A few days after our appointment we jetsetted to the Bahamas for a week at a resort on Grand Bahama Island. It rained most of the week, but when the sun did come out we ran out and soaked up the sun poolside and walked along the beach.
Being pregnant in a bikini is a new experience for me. I realize that the easy answer would be to pick up a tankini or one piece, but what fun would I have in that? I think women should be proud of their baby bumps instead of ashamed of them. Wear what you are comfortable with and lather on the sunscreen!
The books say that baby E starts sleeping 12 – 14 hours this week, well they picked a great week to do so! I think I slept 12 – 14 hours this week alone with all of the poolside lounging and relaxing days spent reading. I can definitely tell they are in a growth spurt, I wake up every morning with a slightly larger bump!
Size of Baby E:Â Pomegranate/Papaya -ish size
Best moment of the week: This is an easy one, the ultrasound is always the best moment of the week when we have one. Hearing the doctor let us know all the measurements were good was music to our ears! I still have a hard time believing there is a little nose and mouth and ears inside my belly. I know when they kick that he/she’s in there, but I am just amazed every day how women’s bodies are able to grow a person. 🙂
And ofcourse the other great thing about these weeks was leaving for vacation! Â I’m positive Baby E loved the sunshine and sand as much as we did and I can’t wait for their first beach vacation with us!
Obsessions/Cravings? No crazy food cravings this week, just obsessed with putting my hand on my stomach and feeling the kicks – does this every get old?
I never thought I would be that person, but I feel in the past two weeks my hand has permanently been glued to my stomach. If Baby E starts to kick I stop what I’m doing to spend a moment with them and just feel their movements.
What I’m most looking forward to this week: Right now im just enjoying my vacation. Next week we are jumping on a cruise through the Caribbean which will be amazing also, but today Im looking forward to tomorrow and what a beautiful and relaxing day it will be!
What I miss the most: My clothes fitting 🙂  I’ve made it pretty long I think without going into maternity clothes, but before we left on vacation I tried on my shorts and dresses… lets just say it was a humbling experience!  We are going to stick to my dresses since they still can fit over my growing belly!
Workouts:Â Running 3 miles, a few days a week and strength training the other days. Doing what I can and moving every day. I’m planning to continue running up until it’s not comfortable anymore… so I’ll keep you updated!
Sleep:Â I’ve been sleeping ok… Waking up really early and not being able to go back to sleep. Mostly just restless all night!
Movement: Baby is somersaulting in there 🙂 My favorite time of the night is after dinner when I lay on the couch and just wait as Baby E dances around inside me! I am pretty sure they are training to be the next karate kid!
Symptoms: Bloody noses at night, not sleeping, feeling fat and bloated majority of the time.
That is one of the most adorable ultrasound pics I have ever seen!! You are right- cutest little nose ever!!! : )