It’s official… at least Facebook official.
It was so much fun sharing our news, it reminded me how many fantastic people we have in our life and how lucky this baby will be and truly loved they are. I added a photo of our birth announcement, Josh helped design it and pick the fonts – I think he did an awesome job! I felt that it represented us well, since pre baby I was equally addicted to coffee as my husband still is.
I still don’t look pregnant to anyone walking by but I know that Baby E is starting to poke through. This is the first week I have actually felt pregnant. Not sure exactly what that means ‘to feel pregnant’ but I have felt my belly start to grow a bit, my hormones are still all over the place and… I just feel more pregnant today than last week!
I can’t believe baby is 3.5 inches and growing this week and they say he/she can smile, frown, squint and suck their thumb this week – My heart waits to see your smile :)!! I went into this pregnancy not wanting to know if I was carrying a girl or boy, but the further along I get, the more I am dying to know! It will be a game time decision!
Josh started painting the crib and dresser this weekend – we took hours in the hardware store staring at pretty much the same color of green in 9 different variations. I couldn’t decide! I wanted a Kate Spade shade of green to be the base color in the nursery… we’ll see what I ended up with!
I think I felt baby this week… maybe it was just moving and stretching in my stomach but Saturday and Sunday night, after dinner, I felt something new in my stomach – maybe its too early? not sure but it made me excited for when I can really feel baby kicking inside!
Size of Baby E: Small Apple 3.5 inches
Best moment of the week: Going public with our pregnancy! We loved seeing all of the comments and support from friends in our life – we are so blessed!
Obsessions/Cravings? Nothing much this week. I am back to eating salads which makes me happy and hopefully is giving baby more nutrients!
What I’m most looking forward to this week: Making my 20 week appointment in January.
We are switching insurances in January, which means we are also switching hospitals. It has been a bit stressful for me up to this point having a new doctor mid way through my pregnancy and doing my big 20 week ultrasound with a complete stranger, but I had a great recommendation and am happy to say I got in with a doctor I wanted… so I’m one happy mama!
What I miss the most: Sleeping through the night. I have a feeling this will only get worse. I go to sleep early but am waking up often!!
Symptoms: The 3 am pee. I could set my clock to it. Every night at 3 am I wake up having to pee whether I stop drinking at 7 pm or drink up until I go to bed!
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I LOVE your announcement!
Thanks!! I spent entirely too much time thinking about it 🙂