One of our families go-to decision factors in most all decisions, big and small, is what is the least stressful option.
There’s no surprise we spend a lot of time in America being stressed out. We’re stressed that we are doing too much and also stressed that we aren’t doing enough. We’re Stressed that our kids get on the right sports teams and stressed they aren’t interested in sports at all. We’re Stressed that we are gaining weight and then we restrict ourselves and then overeat later and gain weight from the stress.
We stress that we are drinking too much alcohol, which then our stress drives us to drink more. We are stressed that we are eating too many carbs and not enough vegetables. Or that our food is too processed or not organic enough.
We compare ourselves to others and are constantly trying to keep up a certain appearance. But that appearance may change based on who we are friends with or where we are living. And we are always trying to make more money and have the newest trendiest thing, but then we get stressed that we are doing too much and over-scheduled so we cut it all out and then start the cycle again.
PHEW. It’s a lot.
We don’t get to have a choice in everything, but when we do have a choice, pick the least stressful one.
And to the people who give you a hard time about saying no, they are living in their own overscheduled, constant stress and most likely can’t stand to see someone try to live a balanced lifestyle. Don’t let them define your days.
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