One thing I realized that is NOT my favorite this week is solo mom-ing 🙂 Josh has been on a work trip (hints the silence on the blog) and I’ve been chasing a toddler all day/night. But after a busy weekend we are starting to get in our groove. It does make me realize how involved and helpful J is around the house, and how much Lottie Rose loves her dad. We would face time him every morning and her smile would light up and she would instantly hug and kiss the phone. Helpful dads are the best – come home soon J 🙂
So, What are my Friday Favorites this week?
Fall Apple Picking
Every year we go apple picking (and donut eating) at a nearby apple orchard. This year was especially fun having Lottie Rose join us. She loved playing in the kid area, finding the perfect pumpkin and picking (tasting) apples. This is one tradition that I think we will keep around for awhile!
Tiny Toddler Tantrums
Ok, so while most parents probably cringe (and I do too sometimes), tiny toddler tantrums make me laugh. They have so much emotion stored up in that little body and when it all comes out – watch out. The picture below is a great example of Lottie waking up at 7 am and letting me know she wants milk. Most of the time I ignore these “displays of emotion”, but the good ones I can’t help but take a picture of.
Amazon Prime
Lottie broke my iPhone case this week and I quickly went on and ordered a new one – 2 days later it arrived. I noticed I was down to my last day of diapers, I went online and ordered more, they arrived the next day at my door. If you ask me where I get a lot of the stuff from my house, it’s ordered online, and mostly by Amazon. It’s easier than trying to run to a million stores, you can read countless reviews and it’s delivered to my door – what more can a mom ask for?
Instagram Love: WomenIRL
Women In Real Life is an Instagram account bringing you life’s real, unfiltered moments. So often we see the picture perfect on Instagram and as a mom you know that the other 90% of chaos is real life. If you want a good laugh and a reminder that it’s ok to live in real life follow this Instagram account!
Share your favorites with me from the week!
Don’t forget to check out Krista’s favorites at Raising Robinsons!
Amazon Prime is seriously the best decision I have ever made. Anything and everything at your door in 2 days. Can’t beat it. Thanks for sharing that IG account…. Definitely going to have to follow! xoxo