1. Who are you? My name is Michelle, I’m a homeschooling, fitness loving, coffee chugging, mom of 2 married to a police officer. We have 3 dogs, love the outdoors, board games, wrestling and movie nights. I run a FB and IG page dedicated to making moms laugh, fitness follies and real life mayhem on […]
100 Moms Surviving the Chaos: Meet Kate Turza
1. Who are you? I am a mom of 3 (6, almost 5, and 2). I work at a local small business part time, and as a postpartum doula . When I’m not doing my paying gigs, you can find me pushing a double stroller behind a bike or two, and with a toddler strapped […]
100 Moms Surviving the Chaos: Meet Jennifer Thoreson
1. Who are you? At 16 years old I asked my high school sweetheart of a short three months to marry me. We got married two months after my high school graduation when I was 18 and he was 20. We will have been married for 25 years this July. I have spent the majority […]
100 Moms Surviving the Chaos: Meet Ashlea Myrthil
1. Who are you? Hello, my name is Ashlea. I’m a first time stay at home mom. I have one son who is a 16 month old tornado. I run a mommy blog www.mommywifelifestyle.com. Before I had my son I was attending college working on my bachelors degree in finance to become a financial analyst. […]
100 Moms Surviving the Chaos: Meet Kristy Mabe
1. Who are you? Most people would likely catalog me as a plain Jane Southern mom. Yes, I’m Southern since I’m rooted and living in NC. I love t-shirts, jeans, Jesus, and sweet tea. I have the t-shirt to prove it! I graduated college with a B.A. in Art and a minor in English, but […]
100 Moms Surviving the Chaos: Meet Sheyla Knigge
1. Who are you? I’m Sheyla. Stay at home mom to two little babies ages three and two weeks old. I run a blog at themommachronicles.com and I recently started an Etsy store specializing in personalized clothing for women and littles. I love reading and jamming to The Chainsmokers with my daughter in the car gives […]