To all new moms and moms-to-be, I say this as one of you. I just cleared what I consider to be the oxygen-dropping, plane on fire, first year of my first child’s life, and my best advice for new moms coming away from it is: Secure Your Own Oxygen Mask First. I’m a traveler, so stick […]
I’m Not Good at this Mommy Thing
Before I had my first, I had never changed a diaper. The first few months of being a new mom was spent saying “I’m not good at this mommy thing” more times than I want to admit. Despite having the highs of experiencing her first smile and laughs and watching her as she learned to crawl, the […]
How to Work at Home With Baby
Working at home and staying at home watching your baby (at the same time) will drive you crazy, leaving your brain numb at the end of the day from singing The Wheels on the Bus for the 100th time, while desperately trying to focus your mind long enough to complete your first client email of […]
How to Balance the Chaos of Motherhood
If anyone has an answer to this, please leave it in the comments. In the meantime I’ll give you my thoughts on what I’ve learned so far on the never-ending battle of balancing chaos. Being a mom is the most difficult, time-consuming, selfless act you will ever do. Time that used to be your own, […]